Denise was an integral part of Sunraysia Table Tennis over 25 years. She played many roles in our club over the years. Denise started out as an enthusiastic table tennis player and was the first female player to win a pennant one flag. Her involvement in the club grew quickly and was an important member when it came to getting ‘your night’ at table tennis off to a smooth start. Denise was always to first to greet players at the door as she collected ball fees and then the familiar cry, “Dollar a ball – Dollar a ball” was to bring to one’s attention to a purchase in the nightly raffle.

Little did most realise that her duties had started much earlier in the night as she would also organise the chocolates and drinks for purchase. The money raised from the sale of these items going into the junior development fund.

Denise had a heavy involvement with Junior Table Tennis and would be out every Monday night collecting money, helping organise players and encouraging players and parents in the sport that she loved. Denise always wanted every player to have a great night out whether you had won or lost.

If it wasn’t right, then she would tell you – “Where Is Your Playing Shirt Tonight?” would be a question you could expect if you were not as well organised as you should have been. Denise was always at her best when organising people and was the unofficial Queen of the Mildura Bunnings Barbeque. These barbeque appearances raising much needed funds for our club.

Denise was awarded life membership in 2017 for her outstanding contribution to the Sunraysia Table Tennis Association. In addition to her dedication to our club Denise also did a power of volunteer work for the broader Sunraysia Community. Again, Denise’s efforts did not go unnoticed and was awarded Life Membership of the Sun Assist organisation.

Denise hated being in the spotlight and was never one to look for personal reward or acknowledgement – she was always the ultimate team player. Denise passed away too soon but we are all the richer for knowing her and what a profound contribution an individual can make.

To honour the memory of club life member Denise Henderson an annual award for the Best Club Person was presented to one of our Members during the Winter Pennant Presentation Night. We would like to thank all who submitted their nominations for this award and also the independent committee comprising of one player from each grade who came up with the recipient of this award. Unfortunately, Kim Hawkes was to present this award in memory of her late mother but was unable to attend; however, the following letter from Kim was read out at the presentation evening:

I’m very sorry that illness has prevented me from attending the inaugural presentation of the Best Club Person award in mum’s honour.

Denise was always someone who volunteered in life, but there was always one condition – she never wanted to be in the limelight or in charge. However, her contributions were always significant. Two of her great loves were the Sunraysia Table Tennis Association and Sunassist. Both organisations gave her a sense of belonging and most importantly provided her with support and friendship.

Denise was a stickler for making sure that the appropriate table tennis attire was worn, that your fees had been paid and that the drinks were ice cold. She loved to encourage everyone to participate, especially the junior members of the association. Her love of young people was always front and centre – however her own grandchildren, as she would tell you, ‘Were the best!’ She even managed to talk several of them into playing and helping her to set up over the years. Mum always taught us in life that ‘there is much more joy in giving than receiving.’

If mum was still with us she would be living her best life in 2022 – a Carmichael playing for the Magpies (and a strong run to the finals) and Dillon representing Australia at the Commonwealth Games.

She would be especially pleased to know that the members of the Sunraysia Table Tennis Association – her friends who were like family – have bestowed this honour on Gavin, someone easily identifiable as one of the heart and soul members of this association.
Congratulations Gavin on behalf of the Henderson family.
Kim Hawkes